Thursday, August 25, 2011

Submission for "Around the Gallery in 80 Artworks"

In celebration of the Vancouver Art Gallery's 80th Birthday this year, the gallery is soliciting for gallery highlights from a diverse array of individuals: members, artists, staff. This time I had the privilege of selecting a highlight from the Vancouver Art Gallery's art collection. I chose Fred Herzog's "Hastings at Columbia" and below, this is the original text I've submitted to the Vancouver Art Gallery for publication.

I highly recommend a visit to the Vancouver Art Gallery for a dose of visual arts. There's often a nice combination of art from the international art world as well as a spotlight to our own artists from right here in British Columbia and Canada.

On the cusp of the Vancouver Art Gallery's 80th birthday, I've selected Fred Herzog's "Hastings at Columbia" as one of the highlights of the gallery's collection. There are many reasons this work deserves highlighting. First the composition of the photo is admirable: the colourful and chaotic layers of neon signs, the sidewalks of Hastings Street teeming with pedestrians, the hint of blue sky peeking through the urban jumble. Even the small details are wonderful: the sartorial flair of the pedestrian wearing a red cardigan, the large type headline of the newspaper for sale in the foreground, the weathered store awnings. Herzog captured the vivid and busy urban scene that existed on Vancouver's Hastings Street in 1958.

In addition, Herzog's "Hastings at Columbia" is a lovely touchstone to the city's past. The photo reminds me of the old neon signs that used to exist in my neighbourhood of Renfrew Collingwood. Dragon Inn, Wally's Burgers and the Apostolic Church of Christ on Kingsway were our neighbourhood neon landmarks; now only the 2400 Motel sign still stands. The memory lives again as a result of seeing the photo. Remarkably, the same phenomenon occurred at the 2007 Fred Herzog show at the Vancouver Art Gallery. I would overhear fleeting memories of Vancouver among some of the patrons who saw something familiar in his photos. In those small, intimate moments, I was able to witness the potential and power of art that speaks of our community and connects to our community.

While New York City had Walker Evans to document everyday life in the city, Vancouver thankfully has Fred Herzog, and our collective ability to recall Vancouver's history is a little richer because of it. If it is ever on display again, go and look at this photo to gain an appreciation of our city's past. Perhaps some of us may even see inspiration for where our city needs to go next.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Collingwood Library: A Place That Matters

Submitted for the September 2011 issue of the Renfrew Collingwood Community newspaper. I don't know if this made deadline, but this is good news that deserves to be shared!

Collingwood Library: A Place That Matters

A local landmark in Renfrew Collingwood was chosen as one of Vancouver’s “125 Places That Matter,” a project sponsored by the Vancouver Heritage Foundation. The Vancouver Heritage Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the city of Vancouver’s heritage buildings and structures. Renfrew Collingwood’s own Collingwood branch library will be recognized with a plaque that will be installed on or in the library sometime in the fall of 2011.

Designed by local Vancouver architects Harold Semmens and Douglas Simpson, Collingwood branch library opened in July 1951. The building’s contemporary design inspired regional library design from Kelowna to New Westminster. The library’s design pedigree has enjoyed some recent notoriety. The library was included in a “Top Ten Endangered Heritage Sites” list for 2011 compiled by Heritage Vancouver (a different organization), and highlighted by a bus tour and recent panel discussion in June. Moreover, the work of Douglas Simpson is finally gaining wider recognition with a monograph of the architect’s work in the planning stage.

Other local landmarks from Renfrew Collingwood nominated for recognition included Guy Carleton Elementary School, the 2400 Motel, Avalon Dairy (located at 43rd Avenue and Wales Street) and Collingwood Neighbourhood House. (At press time, no decision had been made regarding the inclusion of any other landmarks from Renfrew Collingwood .)

According to its website, the foundation asked Vancouverites to get involved in choosing 125 sites where plaques will be mounted commemorating people, places and events that helped to shape our city.” These nominations were then put to a public online vote and the 125 choices finalized by an eleven person selection committee.

According to Mr. Sean Ayers, Development Officer at the Vancouver Heritage Foundation, they are looking for sponsors for the plaque that will be installed at Collingwood branch library. The cost to sponsor a site is $750.00. According to a recent email correspondence, “the sponsorship will pay for original research of the site, the production and installation of the plaque, and the creation of a website that will elaborate on the site’s history.” A charitable tax receipt will be issued to individuals sponsoring a plaque.

For more information regarding Vancouver’s “125 Places That Matter” please check

Monday, August 1, 2011

Stained Glass Windows at St. Mary's Parish, East Vancouver

Local glass artist Lutz Haufschild is not a household name in Vancouver, and it’s a shame. Many of his works decorate buildings both here in the Lower Mainland and in places around the world such as Taiwan, USA and Germany. His most prominent local work, “The Great Wave” at the Vancouver International Airport is an immense glass portrayal of the ocean and complements Bill Reid’s iconic “Jade Canoe” sculpture. What is little known is that an equally stunning work by this internationally renowned artist resides quietly in Renfrew Collingwood.

Located at the northwest corner of Kingsway and Joyce Streets, St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church features four stunning stained glass windows at the top of the church structure. The name of this set of four windows is “The Four Seasons.” What sets them apart from conventional stained glass church windows are the fluid abstract shapes and vivid colours. Each window is symbolic of a season due to its placement and its use of specific colours. As a long time parishioner of St. Mary’s, I never grew tired of looking at these beautiful windows.

Easily reachable by his website,, Mr. Haufschild kindly answered some questions regarding “The Four Seasons.”

Q: How did you land the commission to design the windows for St. Mary’s church?

I was recommended to the committee by the architect. Also, the budget was so low that it required somebody with my knowledge and resources to complete the large area competently.

Q: Where did you get the inspiration for the window designs?

The committee proposed the theme of "The Four Seasons" to celebrate God's creation. I happily experimented with colors and their volume according to their prominence during the particular season.

Q: Who or what influences your artistic work?

All good contemporary artists and architects and their exceptional projects influence my work, as does nature. My studio, f.e. is in the coastal mountains of BC at the shore of Lillooet Lake near Whistler.

Q: What has been the reaction from the audience regarding the St. Mary’s church windows?

As far as I know very good. The work was conceived so that there are significant changes in the appearance of the windows and their reflections in the interior, depending on the time of day and the seasons, to more appreciate our beautiful planet.

In closing, Mr. Haufschild offered some very helpful advice in viewing the windows: “By the way, stained glass from the outside is never very appealing (unless there is light inside the church). Stained glass, like mankind, needs light to live.”

If you want to view the windows yourself, since St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church is private property and a place of worship, please check their website for more information on times when the church is open for worship and visiting. For more information on artist Lutz Haufschild and his glass work (as well as information on his local and international projects), check his website at