Sunday, November 13, 2011

2011 Memory Festival -- The Published Entries

Recently, I submitted thirty entries as part of the 2011 Memory Festival, running from November 12th to November 19th at the Roundhouse Community Centre in downtown Vancouver.  Each entry consisted of a Vancouver memory in the form of one complete sentence.  Out of those thirty entries, six entries made the cut and are currently on display, along with photos, multimedia and other entries  documenting Vancouver's recent and far past. 

Here are the six entries that made the cut.  I saw the display in a clockwise fashion, and recorded them here in the manner that I discovered them:

Seeing the blue tarp covering the fire-damaged roof of the 1899 Carleton Hall at Guy Carleton School meant another day of uncertainty.

Whatever happened to the Challenger Map, the world's largest relief map that was once housed in the BC Pavilion at the PNE?

Remembering the ability to look at the North Shore Mountains outside my window, now blocked out by the neighbouring “Vancouver Special”.

Christmas on Bursill Street in East Vancouver:  seeing a lineup of cars and tour buses that wanted to gawk at a neighbour's over-the-top Christmas light display, complete with giant star,“HO HO HO” sign, toy soldiers and holiday music.  

Windermere Secondary, grade nine, 1985-86: Surprised at a small kiddie pool filled with water and some sand in the hallway that someone had brought in to celebrate “beach day.”

Participated in "Operation Bookworm"  a special event in 1995 where citizens could symbolically transfer a book from the old library at Robson and Burrard to Library Square on Georgia Street;  I carried "The City Seen from A to Z".  

There are other memory entries by others and doesn't take a lot of time to read them.  The 2011 Vancouver Memory Festival is running from November 12th to November 18th at the Roundhouse Community Centre.